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Policy Review for Introducing Hanok Certification System
Lee, kangmin Associate Research Fellow Sim, Kyoungmi Associate Research Fellow Park, Minjeong Assistant Research Fellow Lee, Sejin Assistant Research Fellow
  • AURI-한옥-2013-4
  • 2013.12.31
  • 5Page
  • Hit 1314

 As accelerating the supply of Hanok, it has a major issue how Hanok responses to the social, cultural and environmental change of modern society. To conserve the traditional exterior of Hanok and guarantee the high performance of Hanok as modern housing, Hanok Certification System should be established. The Hanok Certification System can help a consumer select a Hanok, and allow a provider to prove the differentiation and competitiveness of Hanok. In addition, building such a certification system is necessary in order to keep the consistency of many Hanok support policies conducted by the government.

 In this study, we first clarify the ideal of Hanok by defining the range of Hanok subjected to related policies. Next, certification and evaluation systems for many types of buildings including Hanok support regulations are analyzed. Based on these analyses, reasonable indicators are developed, which help preserve the unique characteristics of Hanok following modern technology and building standards. Finally, we suggest the introduction plans of a certification system institutionally guaranteeing the indicators and encouraging to use them.


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