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Material Cost Variations depending on the Forms and Dimensions of Timber Frame in Hanok Buildings
Lee, Kangmin Associate Research Fellow Lee, Minkyoung Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-한옥-2013-1
  • 2013.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 1299

 In spite of various efforts to expand demands for Hanok, construction of the Hanok is not actively performed. According to the result of survey investigating people’s recognitions for Hanok and the characteristics of demands(Auri, 2013), the purchasing cost, one of most important factors considered in purchasing Hanok, is still high(47.5%). The high price of Hanok is primarily caused by high construction cost. Therefore, the goal of Hanok technology development prioritizes reduction of the construction cost. The Hanok technology development advanced by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation since 2009 has resulted new model for Hanok construction that costs under 7 million won per 3.3. However, the majority of Hanok construction still depends on traditional technology, and the estimation of construction cost and formation of customer price are not transparent.

 This study analyzed the carpentry works cost which pays more than 30% of the total cost for Hanok construction. This study focused on the analysis of material cost which mainly composes the total construction cost with labor cost due to the labor cost proportionally follows the material cost. Particularly, on the basis of Kan(), a spatial cube module of Hanok, we investigated trends of the timber cost that varies in roof types and space changes of Hanok. This study estimated the material cost of Hanok that could change for various forms and dimensions of Hanok timber frame and, as such, explored the approach to reduce the timber construction cost that is a dominant charge for the total construction cost of Hanok. 


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