Research Paper
- Basic 2019-18
- 2019.12.31
- 4Page
- Hit 7503
This study was inspired by the idea that urban design for the smart city should be different from that applied to existing cities. The revolution of mechanization powered by the steam engine, the revolution of mass production enabled by electricity, and the revolution of knowledge and information rooted in the computer and Internet had direct impact on citizens’ lifestyles and the structural changes of urban space. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution underpinned by artificial intelligence, the Internet of
things, cloud, big data, and mobile, urban space should be planned and designed in a different way.
Korea has pioneered smart city policies and promoted relevant industries through, for example, ICT industrial clusters in the 1990s and ubiquitous cities in the 2000s. With these smart city policies, it has developed world-leading ICT technology and infrastructure. Now it is time to think about how to connect the technology and infrastructure to citizens’ living space. This calls for an innovative shift from tech-centered Smart City 1.0 to space- and human-centered Smart City 2.0. This study represents the starting point of urban design for Smart City 2.0 and aims to present smart urban space guidelines as part of the urban design strategy to build a sustainable smart city.
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