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Policy Suggestions for Regeneration and Reuse of Empty Homes in Deprived Areas
Park, Sungnam Associate Research Fellow Kim, Seungnam Associate Research Fellow Yoon, Zoosun Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-BASIC-2016-5
  • 2016.10.31
  • 8Page
  • Hit 1380
There is a growing demand for national policies for maintenance and management of long-term neglected empty homes. According to the 2015 Population and Housing Census, the number of empty homes nationwide is about 1.07 million, which accounts for about 6.5% of all houses.
On the other hand, the central government's policy support for the regeneration of declining areas has been strengthened. The residential environment in deprived areas is very vulnerable, and there are a lot of empty homes. Therefore, there is a political high demand for the maintenance and management of empty homes.
The purpose of this study is to suggest implementation strategies and means for the regeneration and utilization of empty homes. In addition, this study suggests measures for the development of regeneration policies and systems that are tailored to he local community in connection with regional regeneration.

Park - other reports

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