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Rationalizing Community Policy for Korean Small and Medium-sized Cities' Slum Regeneration
Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow
  • AURI-기본-2013-12
  • 2013.12.31
  • 2Page
  • Hit 783
Summary  The Korea government have recently put the existing non-statutory regeneration process on a statutory footing. Based on this legal standpoint as well as many demands from professionals and field experts will expand the policy implementations and accelerate the projects in every aspects. However small and medium-sized cities in Korea are so vulnerable at the level of financial independency, a fast-shrinking population, irrevocable aging phenomenon, social and physical dilapidation. It is beyond their autonomy and speed-up its weakening further.
 In this given condition, this research aims to explore factors for good and sustainable community regeneration with regard to citizen participation methods, the characters and roles of support-agents, sense of residents toward existing community regeneration projects, planning and policy roll entitled to local governments, socially and spatially embedded units integrating resident's cognition and administrative districts.

Yeo, Haejin Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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