Research Paper
- General 2021-7
- 2021.12.31
- 4Page
- Hit 8762
This study was designed to review the current status of the architectural asset system operated by the state and local governments after the enactment of the Act on Value Enhancement of Hanok and Other Architectural Assets in 2014, and to prepare a institutional improvement plan based on this. The regulations of the architectural asset system were confirmed through the Act on Value Enhancement of Hanok and Other Architectural Assets and the local government's ordinance, and the government and local governments' system operation status was confirmed through the Master Plans for Value Enhancement of Architectural Assets and Implementation Plans for Value Enhancement of Architectural Assets. In addition, as implementations of the architectural asset system, the current status and problems of “Basic Surveys on Architectural Assets”, “Exceptional Architectural Assets”, and “Architectural Asset Value Enhancement Zones” were examined. Through this, the direction of institutional improvement and improvement agendas of the architectural asset system were derived, and these agenda items were reviewed and divided into short-term and mid- to long-term improvement tasks. The agenda items for improving the architectural asset system was summarized, including the institutional improvement included in the 2nd Master Plans for Value Enhancement of Architectural Assets(2021~2025), the problems and issues derived in the local government system operation process, and the additional issues suggested expert advice. At this time, most of the opinions presented were included so that opinions from various fields were not excluded as much as possible. The agenda items organized in this way were classified according to the tasks of the 2nd Master Plans for Value Enhancement of Architectural Assets(2021~2025), and after several discussions with experts and policy managers of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport, those that did not require institutional review or were lacking in validity were excluded. As a result of reviewing each agenda, the items to be reflected in short-term and those to be reflected in the mid- to long-term in the amendment of the Act on Value Enhancement of Hanok and Other Architectural Assets.
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