Research Paper
- General 2020-7
- 2020.12.31
- 5Page
- Hit 22268
Until the mid-2000s, the policy on public buildings had not been considered as the main object in national policy. It had consisted the part of the policy on public works such as infrastructures, roads, and railways. The policy had focused on the prevention of construction defects, and efficiency in public construction works.
In 2005, the Presidential Committee on Architectural Culture & Construction Technology was founded. The improvement of the quality of architecture was one of its main agendas. In 2007「Framework Act on Buildings」was enacted, and the national body of policy research, Architecture & Urban Research Institute(AURI), was founded. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport announced the first and the second national plan on architectural policy in 2010 and 2016, and the agendas for improving the quality of public buildings were included.