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A Study on the Per formance and Effectiveness Evaluation of Road Diet Projects in Seoul
Kim, Sungjoon Associate Research Fellow Her, Jaeseok Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2020-5
  • 2020.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 19699

As the urban transport paradigm shifts to eco-friendly transportation such as walking, interest and importance for the pedestrian environment are increasing in urban spaces. Accordingly, there are various policies and projects being expanded to create an eco-friendly urban space by transforming the existing vehicle-centered street space into a space for pedestrians and public transportation and securing green spaces.

A representative pedestrian environment improvement project is the Seoul Road Diet Project which has been promoted every year from 2016 to the present. However, as the road diet project in Seoul comes to an end with 2019 as the last year, it is necessary to empirically analyze the overall evaluation and effectiveness on the actual project. The purpose of this study is to derive implications through a comprehensive analysis of the existing project performance, evaluate the effectiveness of the 2018-2019 projects, verify the effectiveness of design techniques, and to present the future project direction.


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