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A Study on the System for Ensuring the Safe Environment of Residential Welfare Facilities for the Elderly in an Ageing Society
Kim, Eunhee Associate Research Fellow Byun, Nahyang Associate Research Fellow
  • Basic Research 2017-7
  • 2017.12.31
  • 15Page
  • Hit 17673
Summary Among the 1,099 deaths of the elderly in one year in Korea, the proportion of deaths due to various accidents accounted for 6.5%, resulting in a loss of 17.111 trillion won. When an increase in housing cost in places adjacent to cities and social conditions such as various cultural and service infrastructures, as well as an increase in the construction of complex buildings that improves space efficiency considering housing and facilities which are basic requirements for residential welfare facilities for the elderly, are expected, the importance of safe facility use corresponding to the expansion policy of residential welfare facilities for the elderly is emerging, and moreover, the basis
for the safe space use of the elderly who are physically weak people must be given priority.

Kim - other reports

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