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A study on Demand-based Elderly Housing Support and Care-service
Bang, Jaesung Associate Research Fellow Kim, Junlae Associate Research Fellow Yun, Jinhee Associate Research Fellow Byun, Eunjoo Assistant Research Fellow Han, Seungyeon Assistant Research Fellow
  • General 2023-5
  • 2023.12.31
  • 3Page
  • Hit 9779

This study aims to plan for sustainable elderly housing support in the community. Specifically, we propose a new approach for devising a housing support policy tailored to care-service recipients and for encouraging stable growth in 2024 Korea’s 2nd Community Care project: Elderly medical/care service-integrated pilot study. To this end, we review current Korean elderly housing support and care service policies and analyze the recipient’s demand distribution and spatial characteristics by performing the Kyungi-do Ansan-si case study. Based on our result analysis, we devised a housing support policy based on care service recipients.



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