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Policy Directions for the Building of Citizen-led Smart Cities
Kwon, O-kyu Associate Research Fellow Heo, Han Kyul Associate Research Fellow Moon, Boram Assistant Research Fellow
  • Basic 2021-11
  • 2021.12.31
  • 4Page
  • Hit 3547

This study is intended to suggest policy support to lay the foundation for citizen-led smart city development by analyzing the state of civil participation in the smart city. The major research findings are as follows: First, the author classified the phases of smart city projects and summarized civil support required for each phase. The function of civil participation and role of citizens in the process of implementing smart city projects were examined by delving into domestic and overseas cases of civil participation in smart cities, and the project phases were classified from the civil participation perspective. A project consists of four phases - preparation, planning, operation and management, and evaluation and dissemination. The author also summarized matters relating to civil participation in each phase. For each phase, a pool of civil support elements was established based on literature review, and the civil support required in the implementation of a smart city project was summarized through in-depth interviews with expert groups and working-level personnel.


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