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Study on Policy Support and System Improvement of Remodeling for the Enhancement of Utilizing Public Buildings

  • No.14
  • 2016.07.04
  • Hit 787
  • Kim, Eunhee Associate Research Fellow
  • Youm, Chirlho Research Fellow
  This study has been performed to prepare direction of policy and the establishment of an alternative system which would respond to the requirement of the functional switch against physical aging of public buildings, the changing social conditions, and would enhance utilization. For a particular scope, we have defined the study to only include Korean public buildings, and as for the contents, we have installed a policy and code system related to the remodeling of public buildings and the state of the foreign remodeling-related policy and system. For the execution of this project, we have performed various research on policy related to remodeling and status of system, current condition of remodeling and examples from Japan and the US. On this basis, we have proposed problems related to the policy and the remodeling system of current public buildings and improvement measures for enhancing utilization.

Kim, Eunhee Associate Research Fellow - other reports

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