Research Paper
- Basic 2022-4
- 2022.10.31
- 5Page
- Hit 7672
Recently, 'Personal Mobility' has been expanding and spreading as a means of the first-last mile, with the use of personal shared mobility represented by shared bicycles and kick boards quickly increasing in particular. On the flip side of the rapidly increasing use of personal shared mobility, however, it causes various social problems, such as related constant complaints, etc., due to the lack of sufficient space and institutional basis to accommodate the increase. Personal shared mobility produces fewer carbon emissions than passenger cars, occupies less space, and has a high potential value to realize carbon neutrality as an alternative means of short-distance travel and a linkage means to vitalize public transportation. The recent revision of the Road Traffic Act has partially resolved the issue of space for personal transportation. However, spatial and institutional conditions must be further improved to establish personal shared mobility as a major means of transportation. In addition, since the existing bicycle-related infrastructure and policy approach cannot be applied to personal shared mobility as they are now, we need a comprehensive approach, taking spatial characteristics and user behavior into account.
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