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A Study on the Focused Landscape Management Area for Improving the Effectiveness of Regional Landsca
Lee, Kyungjae Assistant Research Fellow Song, Yunjeong Assistant Research Fellow Lee, Sangmin Research Fellow Bang, Jaesung Associate Research Fellow
  • Basic 2020-4
  • 2020.10.31
  • 8Page
  • Hit 4846

In 2007, the “Landscape Act” was enacted to systematically manage the landscape of Korea, which determined matters of preservation, management, and formation of landscapes. Through this, local governments were able to enact landscape ordinances and establish landscape plans. Unlike being managed by individual laws, this provided the basis for integrated management of the local landscape. Afterwards, the entire “Landscape Act” was revised in 2014 to strengthen the role of the state, mandate landscape plans and expand authorities that could establish such plans, expand authority to establish landscape plans that properly reflect local conditions, and also extend the landscape deliberation system.

However, it is difficult to establish objective management standards due to the subjectivity inherent in landscape projects, which resulted in projects being swayed by the competence and know-how of individuals involved in the project. Due to these characteristics, the “Landscape Act” transferred authority to management bodies and ensured their autonomy, but such an approach was still limited in warranting effectiveness.


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