International Cooperation
MOU List
auri Agreement status
AURI is networking with various organization inside and outside of Korea to build the strong research collaboration in an effort to promote architecture and urban policies. With performance of global activities around the world, AURI is making an effort to be the Asian hub of architecture and urban culture in the future.
- Country
- Date
- Organization
- 2020-05-20
- Jeonju City
- 2020-01-07
- National Research Council for Economics Humanities and Social Sciences and Affiliate Research Instit
- 2019-12-02
- Urban Regeneration Assistance Organization (AURI, KRIHS, HUG, Korea Appraisal Board, KIDP, Korea S
- 2019-12-02
- National Research Council for Economics Humanities and Social Sciences and Affiliate Research Instit
- 2019-10-04
- Institute of Construction and Environmental Engineering
- 2019-09-19
- Korea National Police Agency
- 2019-08-07
- Korea Educational Development Institute
- 2019-05-30
- University of Washington -College of Built Environments
- 2019-05-22
- Seoul Metropolitan Government
- 2019-04-26
- Seoul Housing & Communities Corporation